If you find yourself facing charges without the 7-day free trial while using the Vocal Image app, we're here to help resolve the issue swiftly and fairly. Please follow these steps to address the situation effectively:
- Reach Out to Our Support Team:
As your first step, contact our dedicated support team via email at support@vocalimage.app. Clearly explain the problem and attach all relevant transaction details, including invoices, receipts, and screenshots from your app profile. Our team will prioritize your case, working diligently to investigate and resolve the issue. - Trial Launch Details:
Keep in mind that the 7-day trial, available only on the yearly plan, can be launched exclusively through the mobile app. After the trial period, the user will be charged for the entire year of usage.
It's essential to understand our trial policies to avoid confusion. Note that if you've previously initiated a trial, you may be charged if you attempt to start another trial with the same account. Trial cannot be reused. - Avoiding Double Payments:
Be cautious when purchasing subscriptions via our website and subsequently initiating a trial through the app with different credentials. This can lead to confusion and unintended charges. Ensure consistency in your account credentials to avoid such scenarios.
At Vocal Image, we strive to provide a seamless and transparent experience for all our users. Should you encounter any discrepancies or issues with billing, our support team is committed to assisting you every step of the way. Your satisfaction and trust are our top priorities.