The numbers displayed on the Your Result/Feedback screen provide valuable insights into various aspects of your voice. Here's a breakdown of what each number represents:
- AI Rating: The AI Rating is based on our community's voice ratings and is an estimate of how other people are likely to perceive your voice. It is presented as a percentage. For example, if your AI Rating is 62%, it means that the Vocal Image Neural Network expects 62 out of 100 people to perceive your voice as confident. This rating can give you an indication of how your voice is perceived by others.
- Pitch: The Pitch parameter helps you understand your natural voice better by tracking the fundamental frequency. It provides information about the presence of low and high frequencies in your voice. The fundamental frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). Generally, the fundamental frequency of a typical adult male voice ranges from 85 to 155 Hz, while for a typical adult female voice, it ranges from 165 to 255 Hz. By monitoring the pitch of your voice, you can work on making it more masculine or feminine, or even expand your vocal range.
- Volume: The Volume parameter indicates the loudness or intensity of your voice. It is measured in decibels (dB). The Vocal Image app measures the volume of your voice and provides insights into its levels. For reference, whispering usually falls below 20 dB, normal conversation ranges from 55 dB to 60 dB, average street noise is around 55 dB to 60 dB, and a noisy meeting can reach levels of 65 dB to 70 dB. Monitoring the volume parameter can be helpful if you are aiming to adjust the volume of your voice.
By paying attention to these numbers and understanding their significance, you can gain valuable insights into your voice and make informed decisions about how to improve it. Experiment with different techniques and exercises provided in the app to work on the aspects that are important to you.