To ensure the best result when recording your voice, please follow these steps:
- Find a quiet place: Choose a location with minimal background noise to ensure clarity in your recordings.
- Position your phone's microphone: Keep your phone's microphone approximately 4-8 inches (10-20 cm) away from your mouth. This distance helps capture your voice accurately.
- Record only your voice: Make sure there are no external sounds or disturbances while recording. This ensures that the focus is solely on your voice.
- Start the recording: Tap the red button to begin the recording process.
- Follow the instructions: Once you've started the recording, follow the instructions provided on the screen. These instructions will guide you through the voice training exercises.
- Proceed to the next step: After completing a recording, press the ">" button to move forward to the next step or exercise.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your voice recordings are of high quality, leading to the best possible results in your training sessions.