This might be an issue as you are attempting to log in with an incorrect email address, an incorrect password, or an incorrect login method.
Please review our quick tips below:
Incorrect Email Address Troubleshooting:
If you are experiencing a login error your Vocal Image account might simply be associated with an alternative email address. We ask that you attempt to log in once more using an alternative email address that might be associated with your account.
Alternatively, your Vocal Image account might be associated with a completely different login method such as a social login method. We ask that you attempt to re-login using a different login method such as Google or Apple Sign-in.
Incorrect Password Troubleshooting:
If you have forgotten your password, do not worry! Please enter your email address at: to have the password link sent directly to your inbox.
Important Note: The reset password email will only come into your inbox if you enter an email address that is connected to a Vocal Image account.
If you continue to experience any login issues, please feel free to reach out to us at and we will be happy to further assist you!