You will find everything you need to build a perfect human voice:
- Video coaching is the heart of our approach; you can watch and repeat after the coach
- Voice evaluation: With AI's help, you will find the strengths and weaknesses of your voice
- Rate your voice with the help of 2,000,000 voice-dedicated members in our community. Find out how your voice sounds to others.
- A personalized plan to make the voices deep, confident, attractive, or even sexy
- Progress over time — track changes in the voice with numbers and charts
- Tools that improve your accent and help you speak with clarity
- We offer special programs such as speech recovery for people who have had a stroke and need their speech back. We also provide voice feminization or masculinization programs for people who need to change their voice without or post-surgery (top-rated by the LGBTQ+ community)
- Tons of educational content: training sessions, lectures, articles, short videos, podcasts